2.5 Physiology


Jeffery & Humphrey 1975


  • Methodology - Folch, Lees, and Stanley 1957, Grottoli, Rodrigues, Juarez 2004

  • Long term energy reserves (Grottoli et al. 2004)


  • Short term energy reserves


  • short term energy reserves


  • Too much light causes oxidative stress and the creation of Reactive oxygen species (ROS)

  • Antioxidants neutrelize ROS and are therefore photoprotective (Roth 2014)

  • Methods & background (Deschaseaux et al. 2013)

  • commonly used as a stress proxy via ROS quenching (Tagliafico et al. 2022)


  • Calcium is abundant in sea water

  • Step 1. Concentrate calcium ions in tissues

  • Step 2. Sequester CO2 (from environment or diet) to make bicarbonate

    • HO^- + CO2 <--> HCO3^-

  • Step 3. combine calcium ions and bicarbonate to make calcium bicarbonate

    • Ca^2+ + 2HCO3^2- <--> Ca(HCO3)2

  • Step 4. break calcium bicarbonate into calcium carbonate and carbonic acid

    • Ca(HCO3)2 <--> CaCO3 + H2CO3

Depth Changes


  • less -> more chl per symbiont (Falkowski and Dubinsky 1981)

  • No change with depth (Nir et al. 2011)

  • low -> high photopigments (Roth 2014)

  • low -> high chl concentrations (Levy et al. 2016)

  • low -> high (Eyal et al 2019)

  • high -> low (Martinez et al. 2020)

Symbiont density

  • less -> more symbionts (Masuda et al. 1993)

  • low -> high symbiont concentrations (Levy et al. 2016)

  • low -> high (Eyal et al 2019)

  • high -> low (Martinez et al. 2020)


  • no change (Levy et al. 2016)

  • low -> high (Eyal et al 2019)

  • no change (Gleason 1993)

  • high -> low protein (Martinez et al. 2020)

  • high -> low (Vareschi & Fricke 1986)

  • my work: high -> low


  • no effect (Radice et al. 2019)


  • High -> low production of antioxidants, maybe because of less oxidative stress (Shick etal.,1995)

  • high -> low levels under UVR change (Blanckaert et al. 2021)

  • high -> low levels (Nelson & Altieri 2019)


  • none

AFDW / Tissue

  • high -> low tissue biomass (Roth 2014)

  • high -> low (Eyal et al 2019)


  • high -> low respiration rates (Roth 2014)

  • No change (Levy et al. 2016)


  • high-low calcification rate (Goreau 1959)

  • high -> low (Eyal et al 2019)


  • low -> high photosynthetic efficiency

  • low -> net photosynthesis (Levy et al. 2016)

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